The association INFO-DRÁČEK z.s. was created from the need to convey to the Vietnamese living in the Czech Republic basic information about life in this country, in a simple and understandable form. One of the main objectives of the association is to help bridge the communication gap for all ages and through various activities developed, Vietnamese residents to integrate fully into society Czech Republic.
An important goal of the association is the mutual understanding of cultures, thinking and way of life, living habits, access to different life situations. Vietnamese community living in the Czech Republic open Czech society, which can be seen especially in the Vietnamese growing up here, who are more inclined towards European values. The association is seeking as part of its activities to increase visibility of the Vietnamese, the involvement of the Czech part of our society in such activities and to create mutual understanding between two different cultures.
The Association also provides for strong family ties and a close relationship with the children, immediate family members. In 2015, the founding of INFO-DRÁČEK for children that focuses on the leisure activities of children and youth, such as short and long stays, stays for parents with children, integration trips to the zoo in the Czech Republic, farms and parks. Organizing sports competitions alliance wants to promote sports activities for children and youth, Vietnamese, Czech, multi ethnic.
The association is working with state and municipal governments, as well as with other non-profit organizations with they share the basic goals, collaborate on projects, exchange of experiences and to improve cooperation within the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic.
Great emphasis society places on good communication with the public authorities and other institutions to further improve mutual coexistence Vietnamese and Czechs and wants to assist in troubleshooting their civic coexistence.
An important activity of the association's project "Donate marrow wilt give life", which aims to get the Asian bone marrow donors.
We believe the association INFO-DRÁČEK Z.S. finds its way to all who have an interest in maintaining good relations and a view of the Vietnamese to Czech residents and vice versa. For many Vietnamese living in Czech Republic it is not only a second home, but their first home. We believe that the Vietnamese in the Czech Republic will not forget where their origin root, keep your culture and also can accept the rules of the country in which they have decided to live.

Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha 4 Písnice
VAT: 228 37 558
Zdenka Dubová / production
GSM: +420 778 050 185
E-mail: zdenka@info-dracek.cz
Tu Thanh Phamová / stand rent
GSM: +420 775 607 932
E-mail: tulinka@info-dracek.cz
Pavel Dubový / technical support
GSM: +420 775 665 015
E-mail: pavel.dubovy@gmail.com
Marta Kratochvílová / production
GSM: +420 775 533 266
E-mail: marty.two@seznam.cz